Home and Away: Casey faces a murder charge

UK fans are about to see Casey Braxton face a long spell behind bars later this month as he faces a murder charge.

Casey (Lincoln Younes) finds himself at the centre of an explosive situation in an upcoming episode as his father Danny forces him to take part in an armed robbery at a pub.

When the pair capture a hostage, Danny orders Casey to shoot the man as he is a witness to their crime. Facing a terrible decision, Casey ends up shooting his dad instead – not willing to kill an innocent man.

The shocking incident ultimately leads to Danny passing away in hospital, while Casey finds himself in deep trouble.

Brax visits Casey in jail.
Brax visits Casey in jail


In complete turmoil over what he’s done, Casey convinces himself that he deserves to go to prison – even refusing to defend himself in his official police statement.

Casey is later released on bail but immediately wants to be locked away again, so he deliberately breaches his bail conditions by picking a fight with his brother Heath in full view of the police.

When Brax later pays a visit to Casey, he is disturbed to see that the troubled teenager is still refusing to accept help from anyone. With a defiant Casey determined to be punished for his actions, will Brax be able to get through to him before it’s too late?

Home and Away airs these scenes on Monday, October 15 on Channel 5.