Neil Lennon hits back at Murdo MacLeod over criticism of his side

Neil Lennon has hit back at criticism he received from Murdo MacLeod after Celtic’s hopes of a domestic treble were quashed at Hampden on Sunday.

Lennon had been hoping to join Jock Stein and Martin O’Neillas the only Celtic managers to win all three trophies in the same season, but the 3-2 Scottish League Cup semi-final defeat by St Mirrenended those dreams and received some harsh criticism.

Former Hoops midfielder Murdo MacLeod was particularly scathing claiming fans had been short-changed at the National Stadium.

Writing in his newspaper column he said: “Blowing one treble is careless, but blowing two is verging on criminal… that’s why I feel sorry for supporters who turned up at Hampden and forked out hard-earned cash to watch that.”

An irate Lennon hit back saying: “A columnist yesterday made a sycophantic comment about feeling sorry for the Celtic fans and their hard-earned cash.

“Personally, I don’t think he cares about supporters’ hard-earned cash because he will not have to pay to get into a game anywhere.

“Basically, it is trying to put a wedge between the players and supporters, throwing in cliched lines regurgitated every time we lose.

“I think our fans have had good value for money this season and I hope that continues. The columnist also described us losing the treble as careless, as if winning it is as easy as shelling peas.

“It is a very difficult thing to do and, as I have been reminded constantly, there are only two managers in the history of the club who have done it before.

“Some people’s expectations are that we should be decimating everyone, that is not the case either, winning games is very hard to do. But I think in my time here our win percentage is excellent.”