Tooth ache forces McIlroy to withdraw from Honda Classic

Rory McIlroy has walked off the course at the Honda Classic Florida midway through the second round.

The world No 1 was suffering from severe pain from a wisdom tooth, causing him to walk off after hitting his second shot into the water on the 18th and slumping to seven over par for the day.

As he left, McIlroy told journalists he was not in a good frame of mind.

The PGA Tour soon confirmed that McIlroy withdrew due to “severe wisdom tooth pain affecting concentration”.

He later issued a statement saying: “I sincerely apologise to The Honda Classic and PGA TOUR for my sudden withdrawal,” McIlroy said. “I have been suffering with a sore wisdom tooth, which is due to come out in the near future.

“It began bothering me again last night, so I relieved it with Advil. It was very painful again this morning, and I was simply unable to concentrate. It was really bothering me and had begun to affect my playing partners.

“I came here with every intention of defending my Honda Classic title. Even though my results haven’t revealed it, I really felt like I was rounding a corner.

“This is one of my favorite tournaments of the year and I regret having to make the decision to withdraw, but it was one I had to make.”

McIlroy’s struggles began with a double-bogey at the 11th – his second – and he dropped another shot at 13 before he found water twice at the 16th and carded an ugly triple-bogey seven.

He leaked another shot at 17 and dumped his approach to the 18th into the lake before walking back to the clubhouse without completing the hole.

The 23-year-old now has 14 days to provide PGA Tour Commissioner Tim Finchem with written evidence to support his claim that he was hampered by a troublesome tooth. If the PGA are not satisfied then McIlroy could face a fine or ban.