Beyoncé steps up security after British stalker fears


Beyoncé has reportedly stepped up her security after fears of a stalker.

Her security team fear the stalker will attempt to attend her upcoming performance at the Sound of Change concert in Twickenham on Saturday.

The singer is scheduled to perform a 45-minute set on June 1st, and her entourage are concerned over a British fan making an appearance, reports The Sun.

Bassey Essien is alleged to have sent the singer some threatening letters, and has been warned to stay away from her.

Beyoncé won an anti-harassment order in the High Court back in 2011 from the South West London resident, after he claimed she was an imposter who had killed the real Beyoncé.

A source said: “Staff have been briefed on the situation, and pictures of him have been passed round. They’ve been told to keep their eyes open and be extra vigilant.

“Security has been increased on a few engagements now, especially for her UK promo. It is believed similar letters to the ones that Essien sent have been received.”

Florence + the Machine, Jennifer Lopez and Rita Ora will also perform at the Sound of Change gig on Saturday.