Alex Reid admits he’s a crossdressing cagefighting monkey boy

Alex Reid admitted he’s a “crossdressing cagefighting monkey boy” while being interviewed – on video – by Addicted MMA.


The fighter-turned-reality star spoke to Addicted MMA at an event and talked candidly about his ongoing battle with people’s perceptions of him since his highly-publicised split from ex Chantelle Houghton.

He said: “Forget about Alex Reid, the celebrity. I never wanted to be famous for being famous.

“I’m happy to be celebrated for having accomplished something. I did my acting and I love my athletic career. A few things [Reid laughs] got in the way of the celebrity kingdom.

“It closed a lot of doors – and opened a lot, but it has been very difficult to be taken seriously as a professional athlete.

“Celebrity does open up doors in that respect of money, the problem being it’s such a distraction. There’s rubbish in the media all the time and it takes its toll.

“I am equally responsible for that. I’ve made some poor decisions, that’s why I’ve decided to turn back to my roots – something I love, something I’m good at, something that’s honest and pure and that’s why I’m returning to fight three weeks today.”


Alex Reid  


Asked about his ‘interesting’ year, he said: “Hah, interesting is a very diplomatic and PC word for you to use.”

Getting out his phone with a personalised cover dedicated to his baby daughter Dolly, he said: “I’ve been through a divorce, a few moves – that’s very stressful – a split, and there’s been some stress in my life, I can’t deny it, but one of the most amazing things that has happened is this little lady – my beautiful daughter.
“I’m in the trenches. I’m getting a lot of incoming flack. There’s a lot of horrible things being said about me – and I’m quite outspoken, but the one thing is, it does stress me, but I’m strong. I’m a soldier. And I have to be a soldier for her and myself.
Alex Reid
“I’m determined to make her proud. There’s nothing purer than a warrior fighting in a cage. I’m 37 years young, it’s made me realise what’s important in my life.


“First and foremost, [Dolly’s] important. Secondly is my career and my credibility.

“Obviously, I love myself, and that’s a good thing, otherwise who else is going to love you? I’ve got a lot of support, and I’ve got a lot of hate.”

With regards to letting himself go previously, he said: “I’ve been out of shape, I’ve been soft, I talk in military terms being an ex-soldier. I feel like a civilian.

“My celebritydom has made me very soft. When you can earn more money in a fight than in a photoshoot – I want to provide for my daughter now.

“I don’t want to be in these newspapers and magazines anymore. It’s alright if they’re saying nice things. I get offered stories every single week but I don’t want to say horrible things about people.


Alex Reid shows off his black eye
Alex Reid showed off his black eye on his twitter



“It kills me here [points to heart]. I might make a few quid, but how long does that last? I believe in myself and fighting gives me the opportunity.”

On his upcoming fight, he said: “I feel like I’ve been in a rut. I’m scared. I’ve got more to lose fighting my next fight.

“It’s stressful. I get Google alerts, but I’m resolutely strong. I have mind coaches, hypnosis, but when you’re getting bombarded by hate from the press and media it does affect you.

“When I go into the gym, I’m not Roxanne, I’m not Reidinator – all these things I get portrayed to be, no-one cares. The gym is a home from home. With all the crap I’m getting, all the punches I’m taking from the media, it’s a reassuring place.

“I’ve been a pillar of the MMA community for years. The guys who know me here all support me. It’s a safe environment.”

On the public perception of fighting, he said: “We need more athletes – not pumped-up, steroid doorman-looking tattooed thugs. You do get some fighters who talk eloquently.

“I am a dimwit – no, I’m not a dimwit. I’m the crossdressing cagefighter monkey boy – and you can understand it.

“But I am passionate about Mixed Martial Arts and can talk congruently about it. And you have to be quite intelligent to master a sport.

“I hope with my celebrity to be a pillar and a fighter for our corner. Yeah I’m getting a lot of flack, but that’s one of the things that keeps me going.


Alex Reid and Chantelle Houghton while pregnant
Alex Reid and Chantelle Houghton while pregnant


“It’s scary out there. The crowd booing, cheering, especially at the moment.

“In this country, it’s UFC, cage fighting and Alex Reid.”

He tweeted earlier: “I don’t like Mon nights, due 2 dreaded mags Tomo! Wonder wot lovely fabulous accusations someone has said r out now? Wen the goin gets Tuf?”

His ex Chantelle Houghton ‏later wrote: “Makes me laugh how a certain person ran off and sold his story within hours of splitting, I stayed quiet for weeks until I had no option to put all the lies straight. I would never have said anything otherwise. But was pushed to the limit.”

Buy tickets for Alex Reid’s fight here