Avicii unhappy with Madonna album

Avicii has revealed he wasn’t happy with the final version of Madonna’s new album, Rebel Heart.

The producer worked with Madonna on several tracks for her 13th record, including the anti-drug song ‘Devil Pray’.

Avicii has since been quoted by the Daily Star as saying he was not entirely in sync with Madonna’s vision while recording Rebel Heart

“At the beginning we were all on the same page and then… I wasn’t…. happy with the final product,” he said.

Avicii added that he even preferred his own highly-publicised leaked demos to the final product, saying: “I thought it was better. It was more me.”

The producer initially took issue with the Daily Star’s phrasing of his quote, blaming “s**tty interviewers” for ruining the interview.

However, the Daily Star has since posted raw audio of the chat and amended its title from “Madonna ruined my track” to “My demos were better”.

“Thank you @daily_star for correcting the headline – and rest of article – after hearing the actual audio recording of the interview,” Avicii wrote in Instagram.