Carolynne Poole reveals Chris Maloney’s backstage abuse

X Factor contestant Carolynne Poole has spoken about the alleged incident involving Christopher Maloney at the final on Sunday.

Third-placed contestant Maloney missed the group song after he reportedly called Carolynne a “c***” backstage before dropping out of the final altogether.

Speaking at the after-party Carolynne told The Sun: “After ten weeks the mask came off, it was like he couldn’t keep it up any more.

“He came in and basically, because I didn’t say hi and kiss his arse, he called me a c***. Everyone heard it, even Jahmene, who was upset.

“I said to him, ‘Did you just call me a c***?’. He denied it but I heard him.”

Maloney is said to have been angry with only getting one line in the group performance, before he decided to return home to Liverpool.

“We were rehearsing the group song and he wouldn’t even stand next to me,” explained Carolynne.

“He came over and looked me up and down and said, ‘You need to do something with that’.

“When you get onto X Factor you go into this bubble where everything is done for you. There are people that sort everything for you, get whatever you need, basically wipe your arse for you.

“These people work so bloody hard to make sure you’re okay and you can’t treat them like this. He was always like, ‘Do this, do that, get me this’. It’s just not how you treat people.”

Kye Sones also agreed with Poole’s comments, saying: “He’s had a mask on for ten weeks and it has well and truly slipped off and shown him for who he is.”

Christopher Maloney’s place on the X Factor 2013 tour is said to be in doubt following the incident.