Celebrity Big Brother: Razor given warning over threatening behaviour

Neil Razor Ruddock was been given a warning from Big Brother for “unacceptable” and “threatening” behaviour when rows with Spencer and Heidi got heated.

The incident occurred after Speidi nominated Rylan and Claire to face the next eviction before returning to the Celebrity Big Brother House.

Following their return  to the house, Claire told Heidi and Spencer that she  “doesn’t want to get into a big thing,” but would like to apologies for anything  bad she has said about either of them. “I never meant anything maliciously, I  just got caught up in..,”

“Judging people,” Spencer finished.

Claire added: “The conversation and yeah, judging people.”

Ryan then tried to stick up for Claire, but Heidi hit back: “You should mind  your business and we’ll mind ours,” and Spencer told Ryan that he should have  been the evicted instead of Sam.

Reacting to Spencer’s comment Neil said: “Don’t get nasty: he then continued to say “cause if you wanna get nasty, I could be the horriblest c**t to you in the world.”  This lead to a worried Heidi requesting security.

Rylan stood in front of Razor as Razor shouted for Spencer to “stop bullying  people.”

Later, Rylan told Neil to “remain calm” and “remember where we are”, which he responded by saying that he “hates bullies”

Big Brother then called Neil into the Diary Room, saying to the ex-footballer that “unacceptable shouting will not be tolerated”.

He responded: “It’s out of the way, I think everyone knows what person I could be, which I’m really not, but I apologise for my outburst and it will never happen again. My mum will be shocked,” he said.

The following morning (January 12),  Neil was called into the Diary Room for a second time, and was issued a formal warning for “threatening and aggressive behaviour” by Big Brother, and told that a repetition of the behaviour would lead to his removal from the house.

Neil apologised and again promised that it would not happen again.

Celebrity Big Brother continues tonight on Channel 5.