Chris Brown released from jail after serving 108 of 131-day sentence

Chris Brown was released from jail at midnight last night after serving 108 of 131-day sentence.
Chris served 108 days of a 131-day sentence for probation violation, TMZ reports.
He was originally sentenced to 365 days in custody on May 9 after admitting violating his probation by getting into a fight in Washington D.C. last year, but Judge James R. Brandlin gave him credit for the 234 days he has already spent in rehab and jail.
The judge also ordered Chris, who has recently been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, to attend therapy sessions twice a week and undergo random drug testing three times a week.
The singer had been in custody since being kicked out of a court-ordered rehab facility in mid-March for breaking three internal rules.
Chris, who was first placed on probation in 2009 after assaulting his then-girlfriend Rihanna, is also facing a misdemeanour assault charge in Washington D.C. after he and his bodyguard Christopher Hollosy were accused of hitting Parker Adam outside a hotel and breaking his nose.
If convicted he could face a maximum of six months in jail and $1,000 fine.