Fall Out Boy announce new album

Fall Out Boy have announced the release of a new album.
The band unveiled new song American Beauty/American Psycho last night, adding that it will feature on a new record of the same name.
In an announcement on their website, Fall Out Boy wrote: “the moment where a shadow lets you know where the sun was streaming in. the odd place where light and dark meet. there is a threshold. we all can feel it- it is something palpable.
“the idea that no matter how much an animal is domesticated- there is still something wild in it. declawed but we take/make the best monsters. we semi-civilize them. we put bears in suits on tricycles. we keep wolves warm from the winter in hen houses. then we wonder why they maul the hearts of what we hold the most dear.
“but make no mistake you brought them into your house and thought they could become a pet. we have infiltrated you. now we are inside you like a disease. this is a modern love story- coming together and unravelling all at once….”
American Beauty/American Psycho will act as the band’s sixth studio album and the follow-up to 2013’s Save Rock and Roll.
Title track ‘American Beauty/American Psycho’ will be available digitally from December 8, with the album to follow in a worldwide release on January 20.