Georgina Lennon sits down with Rocks player Moritz Wohlers...
A degree in business management isn’t something you’d expect a professional sportsman to have, but Moritz Wohlers (22) believes that it was important for him to have something to fall back on just in case his playing career didn’t work out.
“Getting my education was important to me and is definitely something I’d recommend to anyone wanting a career in sport,” said Moritz. “I was always advised by my family to have back-up plan.”
However, it doesn’t look like he’ll need that back-up plan just yet as he’s proving to be a real asset to the Rocks roster.
Moritz was spotted by, then assistant coach, Thorsten Leibenath, while he was playing for the German national team, who was determined to have the young player by his side at the Rocks.
“It’s been great so far to play for the Rocks,” said Moritz. “I’m really enjoying living in Glasgow. The people have been very friendly to me, but one bad thing is, it rains too much.”
Moritz dad, Jurgen, who himself played basketball, always had him in the gym when he was young, encouraging and helping him perfect his every move. “My dad has always helped and supported me. I wouldn’t be where I am now without my parents,” admits Moritz.
Following advice given to him, Moritz says anyone wanting a career in basketball should work hard and believe in their ability. When not on the court, Moritz likes to hang out with friends or chill out at home watching funny movies. “I really love Old School – it’s one of the funniest movies I’ve seen. Will Ferrell is great,” he laughs.
Moritz is pretty easily pleased and really just wants to have a happy and healthy life, oh, and if he could, his very own island would be an added bonus.
“I don’t really want to have anyone else’s life, but wouldn’t mind having my own tropical island where I can have all my friends and family around for one big party,” smiled Moritz.
And party is what he hopes to do with his Rocks teammates.
“I really hope we can get a home playoff game and bring a piece of silverware back to Glasgow for the fans. That would be the perfect end to what has been a great season for me personally with the Rocks,” said Moritz.