Jennifer Aniston reveals her secret to looking so good
Jennifer Aniston looks amazing for age and has a body to rival actresses half her age..So what’s the 43-year-olds’ secret? She admits it’s all down to her current ‘peaceful and joyful’ state, thanks to her relationship with Justin Theroux, 40.
In a revealing interview with InStyle magazine, the actress says 2012 for her will be about enjoying life with her new man.
‘We’re trying to live between both coasts,’ she says. ‘I want to see friends more and travel more. I say that every year, but this year, I’m going to do it!’
The couple met during filming of Wanderlust, which was released in cinemas last month. ‘It was one of the most idyllic film experiences I’ve ever had,’ Jennifer reveals. ‘We spent three months together out on a lake, laughing the whole time. We became a family.’
‘Having experienced everything you don’t want in a partner over time, it starts to narrow down to what you actually do want. As I get older, I realise what qualities are important in love, what suits me and what I won’t settle for.’
Aniston says she has long since moved on from some of those ‘lessons,’ and insists that tabloid headlines about her long-running feud with love rival Angelina Jolie is far from the truth.
Asked what is the biggest misconception about her, Jennifer tells the magazine: ‘There are so many. I would say the triangle with my ex-husband – and that there’s a feud. It’s a headline that won’t go away – a story that has nothing to do with reality.’
The actress rivals any twenty-something on the red carpet and on film – just look at her next to Brooklyn Decker in Just Go With It – but Jennifer admits the ‘new crop’ are starting to make her aware of her post-40 age.

‘You know what makes me feel old? When I see girls who are twenty-something, or the new crop of actresses and think, “Aren’t we kind of the same age?” You lose perspective.
‘Or being offered the part of a woman with a 17-year-old child. It’s like, “I’m not old enough to have a 17-year-old!” Then you realise, well, yeah, you are.
But she adds: ‘I don’t feel my age. I feel young every day.’
The jeans and flip-flops loving star says: ‘I feel sexy in my jeans and wearing my boyfriend’s T-shirt.’
But don’t say that she has copied Justin’s ‘biker’ look! ‘He has great style – it’s very specific and it has been his style forever,’ she says. ‘But has it influenced mine? No. I know people say it has – “Oh look, you’re dressing alike”. And I think, “No I’m not. I’ve had this jacket for three years!”‘
‘On the red carpet, it’s time for me to start doing something different. I play it very safe, because I just want to be comfortable. If I could wear a jersey tank that went down to the floor, I would.’
Her style staples? ‘Boots, a great blazer, a scarf and jeans. I like Rag & Bone, Vince and Generra jeans, which they don’t make any more. And a black leather jacket for winter.’
‘I love Christopher Bailey for Burberry. And Tom Ford. I have his skirts, jackets and shoes, but I don’t know how to walk in them. I’ve tried! I need to lop off a little of the heel. They require serious strength.’
‘I’m a bit of a clothes hoarder, admittedly. I try to weed out stuff. My girlfriends come over for cheese and wine and go shopping in my wardrobe. They especially love it when they get stuff with a tag still on.’
Her toned figure as as impressive as ever, but Jennifer says she wants to shift the extra weight she’s gained since giving up cigarettes. ‘I don’t make resolutions, but I quit smoking recently and it put a couple of pounds on me that are hard to lose,’ she says. ‘Everybody says it’s normal, but I’d like to get rid of them!’
To read the feature in full, see the May issue of InStyle on sale tomorrow.