Justin Timberlake to perform Super Bowl weekend benefit gig


Justin Timberlake has revealed he will perform his first concert in five years during the Super Bowl weekend.

The ‘Suit and Tie’ star will be the headliner at DIRECTV’s Super Bowl Saturday Night benefit in New Orleans on February 2, which will raise money for the Shriners Hospital for Children.

He is expected to perform tracks from his upcoming album The 20/20 Experience, his first release since 2006.


Justin Timberlake in the recording studio.

Timberlake’s new single ‘Suit & Tie’ – which also features Jay-Z – set US radio records by attaining the highest amount of first-week plays.

The 20/20 Experience was recently hailed as a “great” album by Justin Bieber, who also congratulated Timberlake on Twitter for his return to music.

The singer is expected to release The 20/20 Experience later this year.