Kim Kardashian criticised by PETA for crocodile skin handbag

Kim Kardashian has been criticised by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for her latest accessory.

The socialite was recently spotted with a Birkin crocodile skin handbag, which the charity organisation says sets a poor example to her fans.

PETA spokesperson Wendy Wegner told RadarOnline: ”For every alligator or crocodile skin accessory, an animal was likely beaten but still conscious and able to feel excruciating pain as his or her skin was peeled off.

”These animals feel fear and pain and they don’t want to die. Alligators and crocodiles have no real legal protection, but they have done nothing to deserve the violent treatment that they endure.

“PETA urges consumers to watch Joaquin Phoenix’s video exposé of the cruel exotic skins industry and vow today never to buy items made from the skin of alligators, snakes or crocodiles.”

The black Birkin bag reportedly costs up to $50,000, and is a highly sought-after product.

Kim Kardashian has faced criticism from PETA several times in the past, including an infamous moment in March where she was flour-bombed by a PETA follower.