Mumford & Sons kicked out of strip club

Mumford & Sons were kicked out of strip club in Atlanta Tuesday night after the band broke a cardinal rule and tried to take a photograph.
No cameras is one of the biggest strip club no no’s, after no touching of course, so it shouldn’t have been a surprise to the British band that they were swiftly escorted out of the building.
Insiders at the venue claim bosses “freaked out” at the filming and insisted the band stick to strip club rules and put their cameras away.
The night came to a head when bandmate Ben Lovett attempted to join in the venue’s karaoke night by performing, but onlookers said the club’s DJ had to interject and lower the music several times to give the group repeated reminders to stop filming.
We’re told the DJ had to lower the music several times to ask the band members to put their cameras away, and that really pissed off Ben … who loudly accused the DJ of ruining his song.
According to TMZ the other band members chimed in at that point, cursing out the strip club staff so the club manager kicked the whole group out.
TMZ has obtained grainy video shot in the wake of the incident, in which you can hear a strip club employee shout, “Everybody out! Go go go!”