One Direction’s Harry Styles to get own plaque at Glasgow Pizza Hut


One Direction’s Harry Styles stop at Glasgow’s Pizza Hut is to been commemorated with a plaque over the booth in which the teen heartthrob ate.

Harry stopped off at the cities Argyle Street branch last month while out with childhood friend, Ellis Calcutt, and as news of his attendance spread, hoards of fans gathered outside.

Now the pizzeria has become a sacred sightseeing spot for One Direction fans, who are already flocking to eat where the 1D star sat.

“It’s like our own Hollywood Walk of Fame,” says Sam, a waitress who served the star.

“We’ve got our fingers crossed that next time he’s in Glasgow he might pop in to see it!”

The restaurant owner has now reportedly renamed the type of pizza Harry ate to “The Styles”, and dubbed the table he sat at “Harry’s seat”.


Harry Styles eats at Pizza Hut in Glasgow, gets pizza named after him