Pistorius sobs in court as he reads out texts from girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp

Oscar Pistorius sobbed in court today as he read out text messages between himself and girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, in which she revealed she was in fear of the athlete.
Pistorius told a court how he was “besotted” with girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp and that the pair were making serious plans for the future.
The paralympian was “dripping with tears” as he gave evidence for the second time at his murder trial in Pretoria, South Africa.
He described the start of their relationship and read out a series of instant messaging texts, detailing its ups and downs.
In one of the texts Reeva denies being a “flirt” and in another she denies being a “stripper and a ho”.
Reeva also sent Pistorius a message saying: “I’m scared of you sometimes and how you snap at me and how you will act towards me.”
In a reply to Reeva, Pistorius admitted to feeling “jealous and insecure”.
Describing a fight at an engagement party he told the court: “I just think it was a bad hour in our relationship.”
Reeva’s mother June attended the hearing along with Reeva’s friend Gina Myers, who was wearing tags that bore a black-and-white print of the model.
The athlete’s voice faltered as he read a series of loving messages where they traded affectionate pet names.
The pet names included “amazballs”, “baba”, “boo”, “angel” and “babycakes”.
One text from Reeva to Pistorius read: “I only have eyes for you.” In another she wrote: “I want to kiss you and feel your arms around my neck.”
He also described buying Reeva flowers and chocolates.
Describing the start of their relationship Pistorius told the court how they began dating at a sports award ceremony.
He said: “I really didn’t think that she would go with me (…) I phoned her and she said she would go with me.
“After the evening we sat speaking until 2 or 3 in the morning. She was a fantastic date.”
Pistorius said he believed that he was “more into” Reeva than she was into him.
“I was very keen on Reeva. I was besotted with her,” he said.
Pistorius also explained how Reeva was subjected to a “hate campaign” after she began dating him, including people who set up fake social media accounts.
“She had her own stress, on top of what I had to deal with,” Pistorius told the court.
Speaking from the court Sky’s Alex Crawford said: “Often he’s literally dripping with tears, he’s using his handkerchief to mop his tears.
“Reeva’s mother June has been staring steadfastly ahead.”
Pistorius is expected to field questions all day and describe events relating to the death of his girlfriend.
Pistorius shot Reeva, 29, dead in the bathroom of his home but denies murder, claiming that he thought the model was an intruder.
He also denies illegally possessing ammunition and two further counts related to shooting a gun in public in separate incidents prior to the killing.