Rob Kardashian Tweets more Rita Ora claims


Rob Kardashian has continued his attack on Rita Ora with another series of outrageous tweets about the British pop star.

A day after alleging she had cheated on him with ‘more than 20 dudes’, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star took to Twitter again to claim he had got Rita pregnant.

He later deleted his comment and then attempted to backtrack by pretending he had not been referring to his recent ex-girlfriend.

Tuesday’s bizarre claim followed a tweet from a fake Twitter account in the name of Rita which said: “Rob’s d**k was wack, I had to go get it somewhere else.”

Obviously upset by the words, Rob responded by retweeting the message with the comment “So you let me get you pregnant and you let others hit raw?”

Later realising his mistake the 25-year-old reality star then pretended he had not even meant Rita, even claiming it was “sad” the media was saying things about her.

“Sad that the media created negativity for a young artist new to the game that is working so hard to make it. Never mentioned any names,” he tweeted.

Allegations: Rob Kardashian made pregnancy claims on his Twitter page about ex girlfriend Rita Ora before deleting his words on Tuesday morning

Twitter tirade: The retweeted comment from Rita was reportedly made from a fake account but Rob has since removed his own comments
He also tweeted: “Just so we clear I never once mentioned “Rita Ora” in any of my tweets or even used the word “whore” and I never would. I Respect Women.”

A spokesperson for Rita said she was not prepared to comment on Rob’s tweets.

On Monday Rob began his campaign of abuse by saying he was ‘disgusted’ with the singer.

“She cheated on me with nearly 20 dudes while we were together… But I mean 20?!!!!’ he tweeted in the early hours of Monday morning.

“How can a woman who is so busy trying to start her own career have time to be with so many dudes while in a relationship?!”

“I am actually disgusted.”

Abuse: Rob Kardashian accused Rita Ora of cheating on him in a series of early morning tweets as they ended their relationship

The tweets were live for around 30 minutes before Rob had second thoughts and deleted them – but not before they went viral.