Robbie Williams and wife welcome a baby girl

Robbie Williams and wife Ayda have welcomed  a baby girl to the world.

The Take That star took to his Twitter page on Tuesday night to announce the pair had welcomed baby Theodora Rose Williams into the world – who will be known as Teddy for short.

Announcing the happy news on his blog, Robbie wrote: ‘Praise be, it’s Theodora Rose Williams, affectionately known as Teddy….. Born 3.33pm on 18.9.12, 7Ibs 4oz…

Announcement: Robbie took to his Twitter page and blog to announce the happy news and the name of their daughter on Tuesday evening
Robbie took to his Twitter page and blog to announce the happy news and the name of their daughter on Tuesday evening


Teddy is the first child for the couple, who married two years ago.

On hearing the news, friends took to Twitter to offer congratulations to the couple, with bandmate Gary Barlow, Ronan Keating and former Radio 1 host Chris Moyle getting in on the act.

Leading the way: Gary Barlow led the celebrity congratulations to his former Take That bandmate and his wife

Congratulations! Ex Boyzone singer Ronan Keating was also quick to tweet his congratulations to the couple

What a Superstar! Chris Moyles, who kicks off his role in Jesus Christ Superstar on Friday, tweeted his congratulations