Scott Disick checks into rehab

Scott Disick has checked into rehab.

The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star is receiving treatment for his alcohol addiction at a facility in Costa Rica, according to TMZ.

“I realise my issues are bigger than me and I’m ready to truly remedy this struggle I continue to battle,” the site quotes Scott as saying.

The star’s decision to go to rehab follows a drunken weekend in Atlantic City, which saw him rant on stage and temporarily go missing.

The star, who is the partner of Kourtney Kardashian, recently cancelled a string of UK club appearances due to “unforeseen circumstances” and is facing legal action over a recent appearance he made at an event in Manchester.

The 31-year-old reality star had been booked to appear at the city’s Lowry Hotel last month, but is alleged to have turned up late and drunk.